Arjun Murthy

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since May 11, 2011
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Recent posts by Arjun Murthy

Thanks for the help Avi.

Upon further googling I found the following solution

12 years ago
I am a beginner to unix so i apologize for the ignorance. However the input is coming from a form in a web application and not command line. Would that make any difference?
12 years ago
Thansk for your reply Avi.
In the command i want to run "ps -ef | grep /home/abcd" the "home/abcd" part is not known beforehand. I am getting that as an input and creating the command runtime so i dont think making a shell script would be possible. Is there any other way?

12 years ago

How do i run commands which contain piping(|). I believe that being a shell feature it wont be recognized by java.

What i am trying to do is something like :

the output i get returns all the processes and doesn't seem to go beyond the piping.

Is there any solution to this?
12 years ago
thanks for the help Greg.
12 years ago

What is the scope of an action method in struts2? I am guessing it is session based but i would like to know if there is any way to make an action method's scope to be application level.
12 years ago
Try this

<html:text property="serverurl" size="40" id="serverurlid" />

function openUrl(){
var x = document.fgetElementById("serverurlid").value;
12 years ago
The file i intend to write to is not in a jar. It is just present in a separate package. Is there any way to write to the file by giving a path relative to the package where the java class is present from which i am doing the writing?
12 years ago

I am trying to write some data to a properties file. The file is present in a package like ""

When i try the following:
BufferredWriter write=new BufferredWriter(new FileWriter("com/abc/files/"));

I get the following error:
"The system cannot find the path specified."

I know that by giving the full path of the file i wont get the error but is there any way to work around this?
12 years ago