Kesav Shanmugam

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since Jun 06, 2011
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Recent posts by Kesav Shanmugam

Jisha Anand wrote:

Kesav Shanmugam wrote:

I planned to take SCWCD exam by this weekend..I need some info help from you.. Is the exam you took had the same pattern questions as in prometric centers..
I have prepared SCWCD Head First and some mock questions (Sun 310 - 083)..
Is that enough? please help me..
I heard the cost of exam is Rs.5845 in prometric centers three weeks back..
Is there any increase in cost in peason vue centers?

Thanks in advance..

Hi Kesav,

Even I had some confusions on the changes. But don't worry. As Pedro has mentioned I too think the exam remains the same as Prometric one. Only the View is changed; the DB remains the same. Head First is more than enough for the exam; just check whether the book you have is the second edition which is updated for 310-083. I had referred to MZ notes too. The mock tests in Head First is great. The changes when the exam changed from Prometric to PearsonVue are as follows:

1. There might be changes in the centre for the exam. The prometric centres don't conduct the test anymore. In my case, I was not able to write the exam where I wrote my SCJP & SCBCD. Instead you have to write the exam in a PearsonVue centre. The past week none of the centres were ready to offer the test; but by this week I think most of them are ready. When I was writing the exam the system did hung up for around 3 times but I was able to resume after a little wait and changing 3 systems :P

2. There is an increase in price. It is 6250 now. But if you have a coupon taken previously then you can use it I think.

3. I am not sure about the scoring policy. My score card shows I have a 100% in all topics except TLDs. But my overall percentage is shown as 95 where as it should be 98. That was how it was for SCJP & SCBCD. The people at the centre were not able to help me on this regard; so may be we check with Oracle directly.

4. There is a change in the exam code which 1ZX0-858 now I think. You can check the PearsonVue/Oracle site to be sure.

5. If you have taken SCJP in Prometric you should merge your score with PearsonVue. The centre said they will mail me on the procedure. Once I get that I will tell you. Otherwise your exam centre will be able to help you for that I think.

These are the only changes I noticed. I hope it helps you.

All the best!!

Warm Regards,

Hi Jisha,

Thanks a lot for your detailed and valuable information..
This increases my Confidence to take the exam..

Will post my positive result

Thanks once again..


Jisha Anand wrote:Thanks again Pedro
I asked the centre head about this; but he has no idea & asked me to contact Oracle directly. I wonder whether it is a new change from Oracle; different weightage for different questions or something like that

I planned to take SCWCD exam by this weekend..
I need some info help from you.. Is the exam you took had the same pattern questions as in prometric centers..
I have prepared SCWCD Head First and some mock questions (Sun 310 - 083)..
Is that enough? please help me..
I heard the cost of exam is Rs.5845 in prometric centers three weeks back..
Is there any increase in cost in peason vue centers?

Thanks in advance..