Eric Rynjah

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since Jul 02, 2011
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Recent posts by Eric Rynjah

I m new here and this is my first post.. i would like to know the eligibility criteria today and rules and format for appearing j2ee exams and its syllabus(if possible). earlier, i have already enrolled myself for the same in early 2007 from niit academy which is far from my hometown. but due to my regular academic timing-conflicts there and for some personal reasons, i had to suspend it and take a break for some time until now.

today, i think i m ready and would like to appear for the same...or maybe attend classes again(if permitted by my academy instructors).

can anyone please tell me if i m still eligible to appear for the same? as i do not want to pay again as i had already paid the full fees then... i m still a student now. thanks in advance..
.. i seriously think you should go and checkout for the videos from keystone tutorials. for me, they are 1 of a kind.....a rare jewel man.

[moderator edit: removed slang]