bob dapaah

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since Jan 15, 2002
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Recent posts by bob dapaah

Anybody know a good JBoss (3.2.x) plugin?
The Wrox "Design and Development" book suggests using JDOs or DAOs rather than entity beans in most, if not all, circumstances.
Is anyone implementing the (String dbname, FieldInfo[] fields) constructor? I can't see a use for it in the context of the assignment. Is it intended that we cater for it, in the event of future requirements by the fictitious company?
Instead of @return they use @returns (in DataInfo) and the JavaDoc tool picks it up as being a problem.
Can the commenting in DataInfo be changed? Some of the JavaDoc tags are incorrect. The Assignment doesn't explicitly say you can't but then it is explicit when it expects you to edit certain classes (e.g. Data).
I just want to be certain as they seem somewhat unforgiving with the criteria.
My mistake...DBClient's methods throw IOException thereby alowing the methods from the implementation class for the remote interface to throw RemoteException (a subclass).
Didn't think it through at the time of asking the question I guess
Just a short question:
The DBClient class detailed in the Developer book by M. Habibi doesn't seem to throw RemoteException for its methods.
This causes problems when trying to to compile the implementation class for the Remote interface extending DBClient.
Would it be correct (in terms of design) to amend the abstract methods in DBClient to throw RemoteException so that this exception can be thrown in the above-mentioned implementation class? Is the omission of 'RemoteException' from the DBClient interface a typo or am I missing something?
Thanks in advance
I downloaded it once on my PC, at home, and once at work. Just wondering if there are likely to be any differences either in the source or the specifications. I've read some comments on this forum that suggest this might be the case.
Is there any issue with downloading an assignment a second time? I've read in some posts that this would cause the following problem:
The second download may be slightly different in terms of the spec.
Thanks for all your answers. I'm finally convinced
I've bought the SCJD book written by Max Habibi(which is very good) and was concerned that I might not be able to use some of the 1.4 related features described there.
Thanks again.
Just got this from sun:

I have received another reply to you question -
The assignment includes specific instructions about the version of JDK
an assignment must run with. We don't care what you write it with, but
it must run under a reasonably current production version of JDK. If
you're going to test it on something recent, you might as well write it
with something recent.
> There are currently no restrictions on what "libraries" you may use,
but I know that the examiners will find it easier to mark if people use
the longer standing, more familar, features. Of course, making it
easier to mark will not affect the final grade, but suffice to say that
you probably shouldn't add any kind of complexity or unfamiliarity
without a reason.
There are no formal restrictions on use of new APIs like NIO.

Ordinarily I would agree but the posts I've seen from people whoo have contacted Sun seem to disagree on this point. Sun seems to change i'ts position on this constantly (if the number of contradictory posts is to be believed).
This a reply I've recieved from a person at Sun in response to a question regarding the use of the 1.4.1 SDK. I realise that this subject is also discussed in other threads but there is a lot of ambiguity and contradictory quotes from Sun. Some show Sun supporting 1.4.1 and others not. Here is my respose from Sun UK:

Looking at the info on the US site for certification wrt developer it states
that the candidate must be certified to Java 1.2 status this would imply that
the developer certification does not yet embrace Java 1.4.x Thus Assertions,
NIO etc are out.

Has anyone got a more iron-clad answer to this question?
Which book(s) would forum members recommend for the developer certification?
Is the JWeb+ close to the actual exam?