Brock Horne

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since Aug 03, 2011
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Recent posts by Brock Horne

Thank you for your help and appreciate your advice. These positions are remote based roles working at client sites across the US traveling Monday - Thursday and working from home Friday.
Seeking strong java developers that have solid messaging (JMS or other related messaging products), experience with large "enterprise"implementation is a huge plus!! Interviews are being schedule now with a start date of 2nd week of September! Contact me today for more details!!!

My work address is:
12 years ago
Guidewire is hiring… can live anywhere and travel to customer locations! If you or someone you know might be interested in learning more……please have them contact me with a copy of their resume for any of the positions below!!

Guidewire is special…let me explain

Talented people like you have options, even if the news understates employment opportunities. But we know for the right person, Guidewire is categorically different than other software companies that we may compete against for your time and expertise.

As a team, our mission is to provide distinguished consulting and support services to prospects, partners, and customers which result in 100 percent reference-able customers which guides us in all that we do.

Guidewire has pursued one mission from its founding as a company in 2001: to be the pre-eminent provider of next-generation core systems — policy, claims, and billing — to the global property-casualty (general) industry.

All of our employees understand that we serve only one industry and strive to solve one problem: to enable insurance carriers to migrate completely from legacy systems to a modern core system platform.

We need Implementation consultants, JAVA Developers to be Integration Consultants, XML/Scripting Programmers to be Configuration Consultants, Implementation Testing Consultants, and JAVA Instructors.

So what?

· Because unlike gaming companies, search engine, and social networking companies – we serve a $1.7 Trillion dollar ANNUAL, industry market – Property & Casualty Insurance.

· Real business, real money, and real opportunity.

· Change is good. We’ve helped 100 carriers – do you want to help with the next 100?

· “What if I am not looking?” ~ Let’s stay in touch or get back in to an active dialog.

Find out me directly at
12 years ago