Mustafa Dasorwala

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since Sep 01, 2011
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Recent posts by Mustafa Dasorwala

Steve Luke wrote:Not, sure, can't say I have tried global searches - I just do contact specific searches. So I went to the SearchManager API and read it, and it says you will rarely ever need to interact with it, and that you should prefer using ACTION_SEARCH intents. This fires an intent that pings all apps and contexts that are searchable, so perhaps you should try to use that first.

Also, you still need permissions to get at contact data - did you request the proper permissions in your manifest?

Ya I did , both read and write permissions. I guess I'll use a different approach to solve the search problem.
Thanks Steve.
10 years ago

Steve Luke wrote:Searching contacts should be done via the ContactProvider. Here are some links on how:
Contacts Provider API Guide
Contacts Training

Also i would appreciate if you could tell me why the current code fails when I use "" cause just like applications, contacts too are present in the searchables list.

10 years ago

Steve Luke wrote:Searching contacts should be done via the ContactProvider. Here are some links on how:
Contacts Provider API Guide
Contacts Training

Thanks You for the reply Steve. What I am trying to create is a general search tool for android, can you gimme some pointers about what will be the best way to implement it.

Thanks & Regards
Mustafa I. Dasorwala
10 years ago
I can use the following code to search for applications if i use (inf.getSuggestAuthority().startsWith("applications"))but i am not able to search contacts using inf.getSuggestAuthority().startsWith(""). Need help.
I am trying to create a general search tool for android.


10 years ago
I have noticed that rmiregistry crashes (without warning/error), before server completely starts, on win 2003.
12 years ago
I must also mention that the ipconfig command doesn't give any output on my 2003 machine. I just get a string saying "Windows IP configuration is" followed by nothing...................
12 years ago
I am successfully able to ping my 2003 machine's ipv6 address via my 2008 machine......................................
12 years ago
The question boils down to: Why does the code not work on Win 2003?
12 years ago
The code failed on XP (IPv6) and Win2k3(IPv6). But it worked perfectly fine on Win2k8(IPv6)..... When the server was on W2k8 proper details of the client was displayed. I ran the client on both W2k3 and W2k8 and server on W2k8.
12 years ago
Both the ipv6 machines have XP service pack3 installed on it. They are vmware virtual machines.
12 years ago
The code works perfectly fine when both the client and the server are running on IPV4 machines.................
12 years ago
Firewalls on both the machines are disabled.................
Port 3232 is in listening mode as per netstat -an....................
12 years ago
Filrewall is off on both the machines.
12 years ago
The test environment is at my work place. I'll check the status of the firewall, on Tuesday, when i go to the office. Thanks for the reply.
12 years ago