padma Doddapaneni

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since Jan 21, 2002
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Recent posts by padma Doddapaneni

Using java window class you can acheive this.
21 years ago
I compiled the code and I got the answers
The Object is of class B
The object is of class C.
The first if loop is false and the statements will never execute.
The instanceof operator checks whether the object is istance of that class or superclass or interface.
in your code you typed b instead of bb. May be this is the reason you are getting err.
Hello Java Ranchers
I passed SCJP2 last Friday. But I am not happy with score(76).Thank you for your helping hand to achieving this.
21 years ago
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
public class Todaysdate{
public static String getDate(){
Date today = new Date();
String mystring =
DateFormat.geInstance ().format(today);
String date = mystring.substring(0,8);
return date;
// you can call this static method todaydate=Todaysdate.getDate() or you can change the format you want.
If I am wrong please correc me
when the increment operator is at suffix (i.e a++) then precedence will be last. Therefore a = a++ first a is assigned to a and a is incrementd later.