Sylvain Cloutier

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since Sep 21, 2011
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Hello Harry,
First, I wonder why you use char array if you are going to store integer in it. If you want to have a 3D Box with different width, height and lenght, I would suggest you one thing. Think of you box as an object in the real world. You have you box with properties such as width, height, lenght, peharps color, etc. What you intend with that object, is to set and read those properties. I will not enter in all the details here, but I suggest you read about Object Oriented Programming with Java (OOP). You will find lots of documentation on the internet about it. But, since I wouln't post a reply to say: "Google it!" because I'm not a retard (I think), I will give you an example.

Once you created that object with all "getter" (that reads the properties of the object) and "setter" (that changes those properties), you will be able to have a real representation of your box. You can now, say, in you main function, create you object and modify it

If you want to discuss more about it, feel free to ask me clarifications about that. I know Object Oriented Programming might be hard to understand since there are lots of things to know, but trust me, it's powerfull!
12 years ago