sandeepkum kumar

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since Oct 11, 2011
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Recent posts by sandeepkum kumar

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your reply.

Web service is written by someone else in Progress language.
I am consuming this web service using Axis2 in java.

Right now i could not learn SAAJ and REST architecture .
So can you please tell me that size limit that yo mention is on web service server side(Progress).
Or it is defined at client side (Axis2).

If it is defined at client side then how can i increese this size limit in Axis2.

Please reply soon , its very urgent.

12 years ago
Hi All,

I am consuming web service using axis2 java.

I am sending image in base64 binary format in request xml , So length of request xml getting too large(200000 characters )
when my request xml length is more than 14994 characters.
it gives FaultDetailMessage: FaultDetailMessage .

web service working fine if request length is less than 14994 characters.
Is thre any size limit in axis2 or http protocol or java server.

Please reply soon , its urgent.

12 years ago
Hi All,

I am consuming web service using axis2.

I want to know that how can i check availability of web service, is it running or not in java.

can I test through ping but i assume its not the good way to test the web service. there must be another way to test web service.

example :

URL url = new URL("http://1xx.00.0.x/wsa/wsa1/wsdl?targetURI=proms");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
int res = connection.getResponseCode();
System.out.println("running : "+res);

So please reply soon its urgent.
12 years ago