Prajwal Hegde

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since Oct 17, 2011
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Recent posts by Prajwal Hegde

Thank you Joe, yes i am newbie to struts, but I know the basics of struts, my problem was how can i connect to database and insert the log in operation details, like

Prajwal log in success/failure time (fields are - user, operation,result,time) i want these information to store in database but i could not do it... so please help me
12 years ago

I needed a help in writing the code for log in and log out operations in struts2 using interceptors.
In detail,
1. A user should log in with user credentials, if it is passed then it should show success page with log in entry time(that is time should be displayed).
2. same as above for failure page.
3.when user logs out ,the time should be displayed when he logs out.

the above points should be stored in database, in tables given below.
for example in user table following are the fields
username - john
operation-log in
date-21-11-2011 19:32
12 years ago
As you said i can buy a voucher from oracle, it would be helpful if you pass me the URl of the same and for the information given by you was very helpful thank you very much.

Bert Bates wrote:Hi Guys,

We've got some news from Sun concerning recent changes to the SCJP exam.

First a little background about how Sun ALWAYS administers their certification exams:

All of Sun's exams go through rigorous processes during their creation, AND during their "live" lifetime. First off, the exam's objectives are created and verified. Next, new questions are created using an iterative creation / review / beta test / modification cycle. Once questions have gone "live" their performance is also monitored. Sun checks to see if the questions become too easy or too hard over time, or if questions cause too much confusion. When Sun determines that certain questions aren't performing well in the field, those questions are either fixed and retested, or they are retired.

Finally, Sun wants their certification exams to be challenging. They don't publish their targeted "candidate success" goals, but our assumption is that they want a certain percentage of candidates to pass, and that means a certain percentage will fail. Whatever their formula is, it appears that they want those percentages to stay fairly consistent over time (which makes a great deal of sense, and seems very fair). In other words, if there was a universal "difficulty" rating, and let's say the initial SCJP 6 exam had a difficulty rating of "7.6" (I'm totally making this up ), then when they fix or retire questions they still want the resulting exam to have a difficulty rating of "7.6".

With all that said, what happened recently is that Sun determined that several questions and objectives weren't performing well in the field. Some questions were fixed, and some were retired. In order to maintain a consistent difficulty level, they changed some of the objectives, re-evaluated the remaining questions' difficulty levels, and came up with a new number of questions, and a new passing percentage.

But, long story short, Sun went through an extensive process to make sure that the revised exam is just as hard to pass as the older version - not easier, not harder.



Hi , I am Prajwal from Bangalore,i needed help in getting a java certification, what are the necessary things should I go through to get java certified. For over 2month i'm preparing for SCJP(310-065). Now i want to take a exam in next month. I am confused by referring some blogs.I want to know what are the exact steps to be covered in-order to be java certified. Please help me ASAP.
Hi , I am Prajwal from Bangalore,i needed help in getting a java certification, what are the necessary things should I go through to get java certified. For over 2month i'm preparing for SCJP(310-065). Now i want to take a exam in next month. I am confused by referring some blogs.I want to know what are the exact steps to be covered in-order to be java certified. Please help me ASAP.
Hi , I am Prajwal from Bangalore,i needed help in getting a java certification, what are the necessary things should I go through to get java certified. For over 2month i'm preparing for SCJP(310-065). Now i want to take a exam in next month. I am confused by referring some blogs.I want to know what are the exact steps to be covered in-order to be java certified. Please help me ASAP.