Louis Brown

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since Nov 13, 2011
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I am currently working on a big scale monolithic web app that uses large stack of technologies: JSF2, Spring 3.2, Hibernate 3.2...
Now idea is to introduce some form of performance logging through AOP so that CI jobs could produce performance artifacts which could be visualized later on.
Prime target for candidates on accomplishing this task was Perf4J - however sadly AOP part of this fell apart when we bumped up against CGLIB and Spring 3.2 limitation of not being able to point-cut beans with no default constructors.
However one additional requirement is to not edit the code base - no stop watches no annotations. Sort of bootstrap the logging to specific classpath to log only our domain object performance on method calls. Something like all the profiling tools do with javaagents.

So the question would be - is there any open source free solution of a java agent that would do performance logging to a file which could later be visualized and analyzed ? Nothing fancy.

Thank you.
8 years ago

Has anyone confronted a situation where you had to introduce a JAX-WS consumer that is challenged to authenticate with NTLM to a .NET endpoint ? I can't seem to figure this out and some forum threads I read ended with "we gave up and crafted a .NET client", although these threads date back to 2011... I am able to send a request through SOAP-UI using NTLM / Kerberos authentication turned on but can't seem to figure out how to force client to do authentication on its own in java (version 6).

This a simple snippet

This has no effect and I don't know at this point if security manager supposed to be null when setting default authentication. I also really want to avoid this authentication to be global since from a bunch of WS clients communicating with different endpoints only one has to be this smart.

Do any of you have suggestions ?

P.S. In the end solution will be based on Apache CXF.

Thank you.
9 years ago
By default it contains an empty map. I was wondering maybe you can specify some options in PLUGIN POM configuration, to load some values or inject singleton beans into it. I have tried setting map directly within the MOJO, although when MOJO for one modlue completes and begins for another, a new empty MAP is set. Maybe this pluginContext is a lie
11 years ago

while developing maven MOJO I have noticed that AbstractMojo, contains "pluginContext" map, which supposedly can be set before running MOJOs. What I can't figure out, how does one need to properly set it up for usage ? Maybe someone who had experience with it could help me on this one ?

11 years ago
Thank you very much.
12 years ago
Hi, maybe someone could give or suggest information on topic mention in subject ? I've been having hard time finding something myself, and am running out of time.
12 years ago