Santhosh Raj

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since Mar 08, 2012
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Recent posts by Santhosh Raj

Hi Ranganathan,
I guess you need some insight on ComboBoxEditor here.
I am modifying the combobox editor as below.

I will be calling the above constructor to get the modified combobox editor as shown below.
Thus, the editor component of the combobox will be Button.

As I am overriding the editor compoment, I am not able to get the pressed effect, i.e, the combobox pop up list is not displayed when the editor is clicked.
Only the combox arrow button is displaying the combobox pop up list.
I want to have the original combobox effect where the popup list is shown even when the editor is clicked.

11 years ago
I have a combobox for which I have modified its editor component which will return a button.
Thus, the editor component of the combobox is now a button component.
As I have done this, the click on the editor doesnt show the list popup which should show the combobox list.
Only the arrow button of the combobox is responding to the listeners.
My requirement is to display the combobox popup list when I click the modified editor component.
11 years ago
Hi Tony,
Sorry for that and its been taken care.
Could you please answer my query?
11 years ago
Hi All,
Thanks for the suggestion.
I would go with that suggestion of Gradients and borders on a button.
But about my other query where in the modified combobox editor which is JButtton is not responding to display the combobox popup list when clicked.
Please let me know your valuable inputs.
11 years ago
Its a composition of both the requirements.
1. Modified combobox editor to a Jbutton in which the combobox popup list doesnt appear when the editor component is pressed
2. A button on this editor component.

Thus, the clear picture is like this.
- Original editor component of combobox is JTextField which has been modified to JButton.
- I should add one more JButton (close button) on the modified editor (JButton)
- Once this close button is pressed, the pressed effect should come even on the editor button.

Hope it is clear now..
11 years ago
Hi Ritchie,
Let me be more specific here.
I have a combobox for which I have modified its editor component which will return a button.
Thus, the editor component of the combobox is now a button component.
As I have done this, the click on the editor doesnt show the list popup which should show the combobox list.
Only the arrow button is responding to the listeners.
My requirement is to display the combobox popup list when I click the modified editor component.

Another requirement is I should have a close button on the combobox so that when it is pressed, the currently selected item from combobox list should be deleted.
The deletion mechanism is easy, but getting the pressed effect on the combobox when the close button is pressed is not happening.
11 years ago
Hi Korbel,
The code looks like this.

Now I have a sepaarte action/mouse listener for parent button.
My requirement is when I perform any action on child button, the parent button's listeners should also be activated.
11 years ago
I have a parent button and child button which is been added on the parent button.
I have a separate button listener for the parent button.
But I should write a listener to the child button which should perform the same action like the parent button.
Of course, I can add the same listener even to the child button.
But, the problem is, I wont get the pressed effect on the parent button when I press the child button.
So, is there any mechanism for achieving the desired result?
Your inputs would be appreciated.
11 years ago
I got a solution for this by changing the property "nudgeSelectedLabel" of the TabbedPane.
11 years ago
I have a requirement where in only the tab should change but the tab title should never change its position so as to give the pressed effect.
In case of button, i found a property called textShiftOffset which can be made to 0 to achieve what I am asking for.
But i have no idea in case of TabbedPane.
11 years ago
I want to remove the text shift effect when a tab is selected or deselected.
The tab title should remain in the same position irrespective of whether the tab is selected or not.
Please help me in this.
11 years ago
Wonderful Darryl Burke !!
thanks for your help and appreciate it..
I have one more Q regarding tabbedpane itself.. can I ask here or should I raise a separate Q for that?
11 years ago
But I am already using the Synth PLAF for my skinning.
So is there any other alternative to set aside the 4th tab?
11 years ago
I want to implement a tabbed pane with 4 tabs.
The first 3 tabs being standard, starting from left, but I need the 4th tab to the extreme right hand side like an odd man out.
Please help me with your ideas.
11 years ago