Deepshan Shetty

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since May 28, 2012
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Recent posts by Deepshan Shetty

I need to analysis large amount of log data such as error logs,access logs etc.
Can anybody please help me with any available open source tools available?
6 years ago
I need to analysis large amount of log data such as error logs,access logs etc.
Can anybody please help me with any available open source tools available?
Yes I'm using java and we normally use getInputStream,get parameter etc
7 years ago
But how do I receive the JSON objects sent to me?
Like getParamter or some HTTPConnection call or so??


This how do I read it?
7 years ago

I cannot use REST API here. I just get the JSON objects from a third party. How are they sending it doesn't matter to me .
I just have to retrieve the JSON objects and send an appropriate response back to them. But I'm not getting a proper code to get those JSON objects sent by them.


here "" is my page to which they are going to send the below


7 years ago
Sorry but this seems like latin to me
Can I please get a sample code?
7 years ago

URL Call: <Protocol:>/contextname/ValidateAccount
The input would be a JSON object as per below format
If data is valid then response would be as below

As i am new to JSON , I need to do the above where ValidateAccount is the servlet I need to write to receive the sent data.
I just need to know how to receive and send JSON data.

Can anyone help me to do the above?

7 years ago
That's not a scriptlet. That's a part of my servlet code
7 years ago
The table is built on datatables concept to which the values are passed in a json format.
But (as in the image) for transaction which has status as Request_Sent i need to have a verify button to which i have to pass a set of parameters.

Im not able to achieve this? Can you please suggest something?
7 years ago
Sorry for not providing required details. i have attached a snapshot of how it looks when the datatable executes.

It gets executed as below. This i get while debugging from the firebug window
[b]<button 'verify('''<%="encverify%" onclick="">''');'''>Verify</button>[/b]
7 years ago

I need to do the above. I get an error while passing the javascript variable. Is there any other way to do the above. I have tried with escape characters but it doesn't work.
This I'm doing as a part of datatable where I need a column with a button only for some row with a specific condition.

Thanks and regards
7 years ago
I am uploading a csv file with unknown number of lines. I need to show a text like say "Processing Please wait.." until the entire file uploads.
How can i do it? I cannot use any ajax call or so.
I have a div which has certain elements like button where I pass some values received from the flow in the page.
Now I need to move this div above the div where I receive the values.
I used margin-top with negative values and it works fine in Mozilla and chrome , however it doesn't work in IE8(onwards)

Is there any other way to do this?
I don't have a code for it. I just want to check if a value (from keyboard) is integer or not. Just a simple code.
11 years ago
In my code I'm trying to test if a value is an integer or not. If the entered value is an integer, than I let the user proceed; However, If it isn't the user then the code should return a false string.

can anyone help me with a java code for it?
11 years ago