Angela Hill

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since Jun 13, 2012
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Recent posts by Angela Hill

The point of know todays date is stimulating the day that the account is opened and thus the future date...well a date in the future. The point of knowing these dates are to see how much interest is earned.
11 years ago
Alex~ Thank you that did help a lot! I can't believe I didn't think of that!... The code below is all that I have written for getDate and getDate2. Where the notes are that the code is still broken I am getting errors...At line 9 it says incompatible types. Then at line 10 the error shows:

method setTime in class java.util.Calendar cannot be applied to given types;
required: java.util.Date
found: edu.umsl.mis3806.getDate
reason: actual argument edu.umsl.mis3806.getDate cannot be converted to java.util.Date by method invocation conversion

The error at line 17 says that the assigned value is never used and that it is not assigned. which to me does not make sense because I thought that is what I was trying to do. if that makes sense? :s
11 years ago
yes the getDate is what I wrote myself
11 years ago
Sorry for the confusion.... the errors I am getting for line 120. Is saying that I am not declaring the variable... What I am trying to get the code to do is to read the input of Today's date, I also need the cal1.SetTime(date1) to be incorporated with this as well. In other words the input is March 20, 2012. this is then set as date1 so when declared in date2 it counts the days from each transaction to then figure the interest earned. I hope this helps. Once again thanks in advance for any help.
11 years ago
I am having trouble finding out the reason why my code is broken @ ~ line 121: date1=SDF.parse(inputText,pos); cal1.setTime(date1); And again @~ Line 128: getDate2 date2= new getDate2();
If anybody could please help!!! I really do not see what I am doing wrong. I'm sure it is probably something simple that I am over looking.

Thanks in advance

11 years ago
How would I set up the pairs if I only take in one array?

for example:

my input is 1 2 3
and my output is
1 4 9...
How do i pair up 2*3, 1*3 and 1*2 without taking in a second variable?
11 years ago

I am trying to multiple integers so that if the input is 1 2 3 the product of the outputs would be 1*1,2*2,3*3,1*2,1*3,2*3. I also need the code to ignore negative numbers and exit at 0. Also, I have set up a menu and I cannot figure out how to loop it back to the menu after the program runs. Thank you in advance for any help!

This is the code I have so far:
11 years ago
Ah you are a saint I would have never of thought of that...then again i'm pretty new at all this lol Thanks again
11 years ago
Thank you so much!!!
One last thing when I do the input the min comes out as 0 every time any suggestions to prevent this?
11 years ago
this is my updated code. However when I put in an input say 1 2 3. my output is:Please enter your numbers.
1 2 3
The Average value is: 1.0
Maximum: 1
Minimum: 0
which is obviously not correct.

11 years ago
Hello All,
I would love if anybody could please help me with coding the math part of Min Max and Avg. I am having a difficult time trying to call to my variables to get the correct answer.
here is my code so far...

Also, I cannot get my loop to stop for my avg. it says infinity. lol
11 years ago
AWESOME!!! Thank you so very much!
11 years ago
Here ya go...Sorry to be such a pain

11 years ago
Yes sorry I replied before I saw your other messages...However, I can only get it to read the first number in the series rather than them all.
11 years ago
I get a runtime error after removing these lines

11 years ago