Roberto Ramirez

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since Sep 11, 2012
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Recent posts by Roberto Ramirez

Kemal Sokolovic wrote:You can look at that generated main method as the one for checking your GUI behavior at runtime. Main method generated by NetBeans GUI builder is there so you can run your class stand-alone, to see and check how each of your GUI classes behaves when run. If that's not the starting point for your application (you have your own main method with code to run the application) you can remove each of those main methods generated by NetBeans without any damaging side effect to your application.

I deleted the main method and pre-visualization of the plugins is still showin my form correctly, I guess I don't need that method anyway, looks like IDE's garbage, since I don't know how it can be usefull to me or where I can check this functionality, I think I'll be erasing them all. Thanks for your answer.
11 years ago

priyanaka jaiswal wrote:Hi,

why to use thread in application, when already we can use servlet and jsp which are multhithreaded?

Thanks in advance

Sometimes you need to manage tasks behind the scenes, you need to create thrads and be responsible for making your applications (web or desktop) as efficient as posible, threading not only gives you better performance but gives you the chance to write more complex and robust applications

When I delete main method, class stays the same, there aren't any compiling errors, I want to know why netbeans generates this main method in all my classes, main method has a invokeLater, does this create a new thread for the current class? what if I've got more than one constructor?

Thanks in Advance, I'm really confused
11 years ago