rose dando

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since Sep 26, 2012
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Recent posts by rose dando

this assignment binding java
11 years ago
How I can implements circuit with gate as object ( and,nor ,or ,nand,xor,xnor...) to connection them with line to make whole circuit in order to run and take result .. and able to save this as object vector format images file , make clipping ,copy,paste,cut, move gate ...using java GUI ?
11 years ago
This my first task in my graphic course .. i don 't know .. i am also see it impossible .. but that it > thanks all
11 years ago
without using color class to set RGB values . we should build class to take these value and store it in computer memory . the basic about how colors are creation , then to show it and put color pixel in screen ..
11 years ago
Hi all :
we need to do some graphic projects using java , without using its classes .. the main topic about how to store color in memory by taking RGB values
so we should writes a java code to store color values and then draw it in screen ..
can any one help me ?
11 years ago