manu chandra

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since Oct 08, 2012
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Recent posts by manu chandra

can anyone please help me with my doubt?
11 years ago
can you please tell me some complications that might occur while doing in java?
11 years ago
Hi ,

I am planning to develop a job portal. I have seen many portals and 95% of the portals are in php.
My question is ,

Can I make a job portal using java language?

If yes , Are there any disadvantages of developing a job portal using java?
11 years ago
Hi ,

I am trying to read a .docx format file . But i am getting an error like :

org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.OfficeXmlFileException: The supplied data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML. POI only supports OLE2 Office documents

But it suggest to use xssf instead of hssf but my doubt is xssf is used for reading excel files..
I am not reading any excel here but i want to read .docx and .doc files..

Can any one please help?
Guys I am new to java..
I know there are 4 types of inner class.
static inner class
non static inner class.
local inner class
anonymous inner class.

But what is the use of inner class?
Is there some big advantage of using these classes?

11 years ago

manu chandra wrote: So practically it does not have any advantage right?And as far as i think its a bad practice

11 years ago
So practically it means nothing? It does not have any advantage right?
11 years ago

consider the following example:

public class A

public void m1()
System.out.println("class a");


public class B extends A
public static void main(String[] s)
A a=new B(); //This holds good.

B b=(B)new A(); //compile time no error but run time error;

My question is is there any use of doing a downcast like this just to avoid compile time error and to convert the code to bytecode?

11 years ago
And i forgot to tell.. The users will have to do there work . so this timer must not disturb other activities. like adding clients information and others
11 years ago
Acually the senario is that the user logs in sets reminder. if the reminder is same date it should start timer and when timer stops means schdules i need to pop up.

and when the user log in i need to check for the remainder. so this must be done in back graound right .. in which jsp page can i use timer function?
11 years ago
Hi i am doing a web application . In that i need to set reminders and when the time comes it should popup a message. In the login servlet i check whether there are reminders. if there are then i call a java class in a separate thread and i schedule the time. after the time i need to call a servlet and from there i need to redirect to jsp page. My problem is I after the designed time I use THis to call Servlet

URL url=new URL("url path");
and the system.out.println() in the servlet is working but if i do a response.sendredirect it wont work.

i need to some how send a pop up the user..

Can any one help me with this?
11 years ago
Thanks for the reply. i will try to store the user operation for every 15 sec to a database.

The requirement is to build a desktop application using swing or core java. Consider an user will take the exam of 50 questions and when the exam is going on if the power fails or system restarts , then after again logging in the user must continue the exam from where he left off.the question are most likely multiple choice.
actually if it was a web application i didnt have any problem . The clients need a desktop application. so i am using swings .
Hi i am new to java.
I need to make an online examination application in java. The requirement is that while exam is going on If the system restarts the after logging in the exam must start from where it had stopped. I thought of log4j but don't know whether its correct or not. I am not getting any ideas . Can any one please help me with this?