Jessica Benady

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since Oct 14, 2012
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Recent posts by Jessica Benady

how do you convert lower case c to uppercase C without an appendix for the unicode library?
my prof told me it would be something like 'c'-'0' but I don't understand how that results in 'C'

could someone explain?
11 years ago
why is it better to use .equals() and not == to compare 2 strings?
if you use .equals() to compare 2 arrays, are you comparing the addresses in which the data is stored?

11 years ago
ahem, pardon the error is line 28!!
11 years ago

Thanks for your help, you were right I was missing a brace! Now I've added to the program and am once again getting errors, I'm sorry if these are really obvious mistakes, but I'm a beginner in java!
The errors are around line 21 & 22, where I have a nested loop and am asking the program to print digit and per[i] to the screen, the error says I'm missing a ")", but I don't think that's it, can anyone see my mistake?

11 years ago
Would anyone be able to find errors in this code? It says that there is an illegal start of expression at line 31, but I suspect that there's probably something wrong in the way I wrote the code somewhere else, I simply can't find my mistake.


11 years ago
Sorry I've only been using Java a couple of weeks, I've sorted that problem now, now I have a new one! This i my code for an assignment so far, it's a little messy..

I havn't included the last bit because its incomplete, but when I try and compile this part it says '[' expected for line where I cast my double array into an int in the main method: " "

would anyone happen to know why?
11 years ago
Hi thank you for answering! Because when I run the program with the values 100, .1 and 4, I get this:

"The amount of money accumulated after each period in time is [D@50fba502"

which tells me somethings wrong.. would you happen to know what?
11 years ago
hey can anyone help me figure out what's wrong with my array method? its commented under Question 3

11 years ago