Nicolette Ender

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since Feb 13, 2013
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Recent posts by Nicolette Ender

fred rosenberger wrote:Step 2 worries me...

If it was already set to something and you cleared it out with just what's there, while your java may work, OTHER programs may now be broken...

I can see ADDING that to the beginning of your PATH variable...but wiping out everything that was there with that strikes me as BAD ADVICE.

Hi Fred,

You were right, I did change this completely by accident. I did a system restore and reinstalled/setup the correct way so should be okay now. Thank you for noticing this!

11 years ago
Thanks all. Up and running!
11 years ago
Hi there,

I'm taking a beginning Java course and our first assignment was to download the JDK and create a java file in Notepad to run. So far I've done the following:

1. Installed the current JDK
2. Set the PATH system variable to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_13\bin
3. Created the HelloWorld file in Notepad and saved it as a .java file under the C:\Java directory I created
4. Tried to run my program by changing the command prompt directory to C:\Java and then typing "java" which returns the attached error. I also tried "javac" which just returns the command prompt. I'm not sure the difference between using java vs. javac so if someone could explain that as well that would be helpful

I did notice that there is also a CLASSPATH system variable which is set to .;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\ I'm totally new to this stuff so not sure if that has anything to do with it. I'd really appreciate any help on this so I can get going on the class. Thanks!

Also I'm running in Windows 7.

11 years ago