Dave Leccatt

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since Mar 14, 2013
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I'm working on an app where the only audio stream available is like this: http://uk3-vn.mixstream.net:8080/

This won't run on some Android phones (new-ish test handsets) and have been advised we require an .MP3 for compatibility over all handsets running 2.3 onwards. Unfortunately, our web-streaming service can only provide http://uk3-vn.mixstream.net:8080/;stream.mp3 which still doesn't work :-(One known failure is on HTC Wildfire S

The audio stream needs to run within the app, and not activate a separate media player...

Can software like WinAmp run within an app, or is there a basic generic player to cover all levels of OS?

The option is a splash-screen that pops to users on non-compatible handsets to say: 'Sorry, your phone doesn't support this feature' but I'd love to avoid that if possible!

The app needs to go to Google Play soon so grateful for any advice, even if just to confirm, the splash-screen message is the only option.

Cheers, Dave.

(P.S the radio only broadcasts daytimes if anyone clicks the link late in the day).

11 years ago