nikunj Shrestha

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since Mar 26, 2013
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Recent posts by nikunj Shrestha

Tim Holloway wrote:Welcome to the Ranch, Nikunj!

I am confused about why you want to do this. When using Maven to build an RPM, the POM is the "makefile".

For a non-Maven RPM project, the makefile is in the RPM source directory that is created under your RPM SOURCES directory when the RPM build process unpacks the SRPM. But if Maven is doing the build, then Maven has to do what Maven does, and normally this doesn't involve a non-Java build step or even an SRPM unpack/build operation.

Thank you.
M confused too.
Let me ask one thing, ok i have some files in this project, that should be compiled through different compiler and all the compiled files should be deployed. that's what this makefile does : creates dir, and run the files through compiler. and i m trying to use RPM-maven plugin to create RPM out of those compiled files before deploying. Any suggestions on what can be done?
11 years ago
Hello everyone,
i was looking for the way to create a RPM for a project in maven using command line or eclipse. how do i include / invoke the makefile from the pom.xml. i tried to use make-maven plugin but could not find more about it's usage online. any help??? what are the tags and attributes that are suppose to be added in pom file to make use of makefile???

thank you
11 years ago