Kudakwashe Tsomondo

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since Apr 18, 2013
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Recent posts by Kudakwashe Tsomondo

Good day,

Kindly see an example provided here: http://adambien.blog/roller/abien/entry/java_8_flatmap_example or check the MOOC from Oracle on Java 8 the issue was discussed again

6 years ago
Good day,

How do i upload files using a form and Servlet securely.Currently the image files am uploading are creating a temp file in jboss and this can be a security challenge.

8 years ago

That is one of my forum handler i use....kkkk

if there is mini-TOC, and exam simulator on CD for both Part 1 and 2 i would say this is a complete study guide OCA/OCP available now.

Good work!
For the new features of Java which were introduced in Java 7? Did you put a hint or highlight so that readers quickly pick up the changes on the exam and java language?
Thank you guys!
9 years ago

I passed part 2 and 3 of OCMJEA 6 exams. passed part 1 on the second of May, bought the assignment on the same day and submitted it on the 28th of May 2014 wrote part 3 on the 29th of May.
I used two sources
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide (2nd Edition) [Mark Cade, Humphrey Sheil and guide by Amritendu De.
9 years ago
Congadulations, please can you post the materials which you used for the exam
10 years ago
That last 2 version of Java made it extremely easy for developing enterprise applications i.e. fine tuning of ejb 3.x, what are the standout features for an java ee entreprise developer which i really need to look forward in this book and version of Java
10 years ago
Is it still possible for someone to take the exam without training and do training latter. I have been studying for the first part and the money to write the exam i have but 3k for training i don't have.