sharad jain

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since May 04, 2013
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Recent posts by sharad jain

Oh...sorry .. I am aware that if we are patching WAS on a box then all the profiles(on that BOX) would be using the new patched core files.
My question is now,,, in this set up I have managed nodes which are on different other boxes. now would this set up be OK.. even if I just patch the WAS DM box and not the other boxes where managed node reside. please let me know if I am wrong.

10 years ago
hello Sir

Actually i did not get it. Means I should not be applying patch to other nodes??

10 years ago
Hello team
Actually i have WAS 7 Network deployment model. And the node on which i have DM is being patched.
I need to know do we need to apply patch to managed nodes also on which other managed servers are running. And what procedure i should follow for this.
Please reply ASAP.

Sharad Jain
10 years ago
Hello friends

I am creating a script where on runtime passing some command line arguments like ::

$./ dev_case_01 dev_auth_01 dev_rnp_01 ...

Now I need to use these parameters in a shell and from there this array needs to be passed to a python. Can someone please help me how should I pass and retreive this. Any help would be greatly appreciable.

10 years ago
you can do it by the webserver entry.

10 years ago
That seems to be WLST tool for weblogic here I am working on WebSphere and using wsadmin.. Need a help

10 years ago
Hi Guys

When I am starting the server through below method I am getting error :

WASX7015E: Exception running command: "AdminControl.startServer("dev_case_01","fl1uz091Node01")"; exception information:
org.apache.soap.SOAPException: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Read timed out; Read timed out]


I also tried increasing the timeout parameter and i changed it to

then i kept the soap.client.props file in tmp folder and used below cmd command for login

./ -p /tmp/soap.client.props -lang jython

Still getting same error

WASX7015E: Exception running command: "AdminControl.startServer("dev_case_01","fl1uz091Node01")"; exception information:
org.apache.soap.SOAPException: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Read timed out; Read timed out]

please help me..


10 years ago
this is websphere wsadmin tool. Can you please let me know how to change that logging properties..
10 years ago
Guys, can anyone please hep me in this. How can we stop display of these warnings while script is running.
10 years ago
HI All

I am getting a warning message in my script which i do not want to be printed on the screen when my script is running.. please help.. Below is the snapshot

WASX7026W: String "name=dev_afx_01,*" corresponds to 3 different MBeans; returning first one.
10 years ago
Please can somebody provide me file. I dont have any module "WAuJ_utilities". please help.
10 years ago
I was trying to import WAuJ_utilities module in my script but i am getting error as below :

wsadmin>import WAuJ_utilities as WAuJ WASX7015E: Exception running command: "import WAuJ_utilities as WAuJ"; exception information: exception from Jython: Traceback (innermost last): File "<input>", line 1, in ? ImportError: no module named WAuJ_utilities

i have seen the path as well but not getting this module anywhere, can somebody please help where can i find this module and how can i change the sys.path to have this. please help.
10 years ago