Amy Roberts

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since Apr 11, 2002
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Recent posts by Amy Roberts

There are probably too many to list here, but I understand the improvements in CMP beans is great, and the ability to use Message driven beans and all the features of EJB2.0, assuming you are not currently deployed in a J2EE environment under EJB2.0.
21 years ago
Can anyone in the enterprise J2EE environment desscribe experiences in upgrading from Weblogic 5.1 to 7.0? Your insight would be appreciated. THANKS!
21 years ago
I have used OptimizeIt very sucsessfully, I run J2EE applications and watch garbage collection to ensure no memory leaks, as well as watch the number and size of objects being created. One of the most useful features is the CPU utilization, so you can see which method or which line of code is taking the most time in your app. If you don't want to purchase anything right now, you can time stamp log messages and calc an elapsed time for the methods or code blocks you are most concerned with. We do that on my team every performance and tuning cycle.
Hope I get in the drawing cause I'm looking for a good servlet book. I work with lots of new Java developers and I'm more of a EJB person, so I can't always help the servlet / JSP folks on my team. In any case, I'll check the book reviews and take it from there.
21 years ago
If you refer to collections or maps that are part of the Java2 framework as not being syncronized, then you don't have to worry about syncronization when you don't have a multi-threaded application. BUT... if you are talking J2EE and you have your collection deployed as something in an ejb or helper class, and the container such as weblogic or websphere is managing the threads, then does that mean it doesn't matter if you use a syncronized class like vector or hashtable (overhead with syncronization), versus a list or map (no overhead for syncronization). I understand the concept, except when it applies to applications deployed in a container.
THANKS for your thoughts.