James McNatty

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since Oct 08, 2013
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Recent posts by James McNatty

Hi Jeanne and Ulf,

Thanks very much for the feedback. Much like Ulf mentioned, I didn't think to go and check for compatibility of the .mov files for iPhone given that it's Apple's own format, but I know agree that obviously the iPhone can't support every single specific codec, resolution, fps, etc.

I'm going to ask the end users to try create their .mov videos in a format which is supported by iPhones (as per the link you sent), and hopefully that should do the trick. Also, if I get time at some stage, I might look into giving JForum 2.3.4 a go too.

Thanks again.

10 years ago
Hi everybody,

I'm completely new to this forum (only just registered less than a minute ago), so if I'm going about this the wrong way /posting in the wrong forum, I apologize in advance.

I've done a quick search of this forum, but have not come across any previous posts related to my question/problem, so I thought I'd post this to see if anyone else has tried something similar.

My previous experience is mostly with IBM middleware (e.g. IBM Connections, Lotus QuickR, IBM HTTP server, Websphere App server, DB2 database server, etc), but I've recently had my first try at setting up a JForum 2.1.9 server, deployed on Tomcat 7.0.42 (with MySQL backend) running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4.

Everything works well, except our users have discovered that if they use their iPhone to access the JForum server, if they click on a .mov video attachment within a forum post, it does not display (it just shows a "broken" icon). However the video works fine when users access the forum post from a normal web browser on their computer.

If anyone has had any previous experience with this type of scenario, I would very much appreciate any feedback on your experiences.

Thanks in advance.

10 years ago