Bharani Lingamaneni

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since Jan 31, 2014
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Recent posts by Bharani Lingamaneni

Thanks Paul Clapham . I have observer that in my application the jars were being downloaded every time not only for the first time. I have added <param name="classloader_cache" value="true" />. But even after this the jar's were cached randomly. <param name="cache_archive" value="xxxx.jar"/> tried with this also but the result is same. Any suggestions to catch jar's apart from these? In the starting of my application itself Cache-control,Pragma etc... were set to no-cache , will this be an issue?
10 years ago
We are using an applet in our web application. The applet of our application is dependent on bouncycastle jar,bcprov-jdk15.jar and few other jar's whose size comes around 4 mb. When using the appliaction on jre7, the applet is taking too long time to load than usual time. Is there any way to place these jar's in client machine? Will it improve the performance? Is there any other way to reduce the loading time of applet apart from placing jars in client machine?
Thanks in Advance.
10 years ago