dx wu

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since Apr 28, 2002
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Recent posts by dx wu

hi all,

I encountered a OutOfMemory error in my application installed on weblogic 10.0MP2 ,the jdk is Oracle JRockit .

but i found no jdk dump file.

Could someone tell me how to get the JRockit dump file ? and how to anlysis the dump file , is there a tool like IBM DumpAnalyzor ?

thanks in advance.

11 years ago
I have a new project, and I want to use JSF+JPA to implement it.
for JSF I want to use apache MyFaces , for JPA I find there are Kodo,Toplink,OpenJPA and Hibernate. I am confuse which one should I choose.

thanks for some advice.
hi all:
cloud someone give me some more detail course or tutorials about java bit operation. the question is:


construct a method implement to reverse a int number,for example
: 1101 0111 1010 0101, the function must reverse the bit ,that means the return value is 1010 0101 1110 1011

I have no idea about this kind of question .
thanks for your feedback.
17 years ago
hi all:
yesterday , I am test by a world famous software company. I do not very good,because of a bit operation question. cloud someone give me some more detail course or tutorials about java bit operation. the question is:

I have no idea about this kind of question .
thanks for your feedback.
17 years ago
I think the fellowing code result ababcdcd,and why it is abababcd?
thanks everyone very much
and have correct the code
confused about finally,for example:

and before return ,the finally block will execute,and the value of i should be 1,and then return i,output will 1.but the result is 0.cloud someone tell me why?
thanks in advance

[ September 07, 2005: Message edited by: dx wu ]
[ September 07, 2005: Message edited by: Michael Ernest ]
tanks kapil,Cloud explain it for me?
which http method has the characteristic that multiple identical requests may produce side effect beyond those of a single request?

thanks for replay
which two statement about tag file are true ?
A.Classic tag handlers and tag files CANNOT reside in the same tag libray.
B.A file named foo.tag ,located in /WEB-INF/tags/bar,is recognized as a tag file by container.
C. A file named foo.tag ,bundled in a JAR file but NOT defined in a TLD,triggers a container translation error.
D.A file named foo.tag,located in a web application's root directory ,is recognized as a tag file by container.
E. if files foo1.tag and foo2.tag both reside in /WEB-INF/tags/bar,the container will consider them part of the same tag library.
I select B,and which is another ?
A developer has created a web application that includes a servlet for each use case int the application.These servlets have become rather difficult to maintain because the request processing methods have become very large.There is also common processing code in many servlets because these use cases are very similar.

Which two design patterns can be used together to refactor and simplify this web application?
B.View Helper
C.Front Controller
D.Session facade
E.Business Delegate

I select C and F, correct?
which two a true regarding a web application class loader?
A. A web application may override the web container's implementation classes.
B. A web application running in a J2EE product may override classes in the javax.* namespace.
C. A web application class load may NOT override any classes in the java.* and javax.* namespaces.
D.Resources int the WAR class directory or in any of the JAR files within the library directory may be accessed using the J2EE semantics of getResource.
E.Resources in the WAR class directory or in any of the JAR files within the library directory CANNOT be accessed using the J2EE semantics of getResource.

waiting fo some answers,thanks!
which is true about the web container request processing model?
A.The init method on a filter is called the first time a servlet mapped to that filter is invoked.
B.A filter defined for a servlet must alaways forward control to the next resource in the filter chain.
C.Filters associated with a named servlet are applied in the order they appear in the web application deployment descriptor file.
D.if the init method on a filter throws an UnavaibleException,then the container will make no furter attempt to execute it;

I think the answer is A and C, but there is only one answer .which?