Justin Musgrove

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since Jun 16, 2014
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If you are using java 8 or guava here are a few code snippets to check if a number is within a range:


Java 8
9 years ago
"you can spend a week figuring out the perfect regex, but then a month later you " - been there done that Freed! BreakIterator deals with text boundaries, here is a solution to your use case:

Start at position 179 of the string (or at the end if it isn't that long) and work backwards until you hit the end of a word or a period. Chop that segment off and throw it into
your pot, then repeat until there's nothing left. Note that the end of a word can be followed by a space, or by a non-period punctuation mark like a comma, or by the end of the
string. Be careful not to go past the end of the string in the latter case.
9 years ago
I have found guava splitter is much more flexible and easier to read than regular expression. For your use case it would look like this:

Check out more guava splitter examples

Google splitter home page
9 years ago
Hey Jason,

We have a front end development team that started to use dust.js which is a js templating engine for prototypes and demos. It fits right into the fe dev stack/tools, close to logic less, and meshes with json well. A new project was started using java and wanted to reuse the templates that already have been developed so we needed to find a way to render those templates on the server. Writing a light piece of code we converted our java objects to json and then render the dust template in rhino.

I wrote up how you could do it using nashorn which feels like a lot of work but not all that bad.

Hope this helps.
9 years ago