Girish Joshi

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since Jul 08, 2014
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Recent posts by Girish Joshi

Thanks Henry for quick reply.
When I try to start putty using IP of the remote linux machine. It automatically exits.
I am not able to put any login user and password credentials.
and I am not able to directly or physically connect or login to machine.
9 years ago
I have logged in to the AIX machine, but while running a program it shows Not able to proceed because of out of memory or no memory.
Now I am not able to Login through either putty or filezilla.
When I try to do so, putty closes as click on connect.
Through fileZilla it shows 'Could not connect to server'

How can I login and clear machine, and run remaining program.
9 years ago
On opening Eclipse indigo, Got message as Failed to load the JNI shared library "C:/JDK/bin/client/

How can I overcome this?
9 years ago