Carrie Gomaya

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since Jun 09, 2002
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Recent posts by Carrie Gomaya

Originally posted by Amitabh Sharma:

Canada is a fine fine country to live and work. The primary reason I want to return to India after spending 6 years is to be close to my family and friends provided I can get a decent job there. My life in Canada has been relatively easy and rewarding.

Thanks for your reply..
Actually, alot of my friends who went to Canada
have taken advantage of the 3/5 year immigration
rule and returned to south asia as they say IT jobs are very difficult to come by...
Most of them worked in US and have over 5 years experience + a whole bundle of certifications.
Some of them who spent alot of money immigrating have resigned to a factory job life..
21 years ago

Originally posted by Amitabh Sharma:
Abhijeet I am also in the same boat. After 6 years in Canada I am trying to return. I have applied to all of the companies you mentioned but did not get any response.

If it is not too personal, can you enlighten
me on why you are planning to leave Canada after 6 years ??
I plan to go to Canada, so you can guess why I am asking you the question.
21 years ago

Originally posted by Bill Lyons:
Hey - check out the humorous "news article" at Java Developer's Journal
It's pretty humorous

This is next years April Fools joke in advance..
I think it is funny.. But the US congress will take it seriously and increase the H1-B visa program quotas.....
21 years ago

Originally posted by Lance Titchkosky:
U of Calgary also is fairly good with computer science stuff. If your looking for a software eng degree they are doing some pretty cool stuff here too. The main CPSC site is the software eng site is

The website is not very clear on their requirements for Master of Software Engineering. Since this is a professional course i.e. non academic, do they require references from former tutors from a prospective student.??
Of course this is required for the academic graduate degree.. but for a professional one??
21 years ago