Rao Rekha

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since Jul 29, 2002
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Recent posts by Rao Rekha

That makes complete sense. Thanks Jha and Chitra.
Could anyone kindly let me know why does the following code prints 3 ?
class TestClass
public static void main(String args[])
boolean b = false;
int i = 1;
i++ ;
} while (b = !b);
System.out.println( i );
Thanks in advance.
DAMN !!! such a silly mistake..
Thanks Barkat !!!
Could anyone explain me why the first program is giving an error that the static main method cannot reference non static method showij() and showk(), while a similar second progam compiles and runs just fine !!!
Prg 1 :
class a
void showij()
System.out.println("i and j");
class b extends a
void showk()

class intest
public static void main(String args[])
a a1 = new a();
b b1 = new b();
Prg 2 :
class testty
void testt()
void testt1()
class testy
public static void main(String args[])
testty t = new testty();
Thank you Dan. I didnt know about this instance intializer before. It is only after seeing the questions at your web site that I got the doubt.
Anyway, your website has been very useful this way.
Thanks again.
Could somebody kindly explain to me why a system.out.println("...") statement works without giving any error when specified within a pair of curly braces inside a class like the following.
class test{
But it gives an error without the inner curly braces. Why?

Thank you
Thanks for the response Barry. Being new to this Thread concepts, I am not sure about my learning example. But I was expecting it to print "main". Does this mean that, during execution, there will be 2 different threads? Also, I didnt quite get what you said - "sleep() is a class method. So your t.sleep is really calling Thread.sleep(), but in the context of your main thread. So it is your main thread that is sleeping. The thread t that you created has long finished when you do the isAlive() call. " Could you please explain further? Thanks
Hi all,
I have a small learning example here that I wrote to check if a thread is alive after putting it to sleep for 3 secs. But unfortunately the isAlive() method isn't returning true. Why is this thread dead ???

class threads implements Runnable
public void run()
// do something here..
class threadtest
public static void main(String args[])
Runnable r = new threads();
Thread t = new Thread(r);
catch(InterruptedException e)

System.out.println("This is in a thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName());

Originally posted by Veena Point:
1 int i=0;
2 i=i++;
3 i=i++;
4 i=i++;
It is not clear to me how i is 0 .In line 2 first i is assigned 0 then it is incremented.In line 3 incremented value of i should be assigned ,right?
That is in line 3 1 is assigned to i & then again it gets incremented to 2.

Because, the first time it assigns zero to i and then increments the value of i on the right, which is immaterial, because, it has already been assigned.

So, in the second step, i retains the value that was initially assigned, which is 0.
Thanks Valentin.
I have tried that but no use. It just isn't recognizing my class1 either in class2 nor class3(where I am trying to create an instance of class1). It gives the error -
cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class class1
location: class p1.class1 ....
I have 3 classes class1, class2 and class3 in the package p1. class2 extends class1. All these classes contain package statement(not using import statement anywhere). In such a case, where do I place the class2 in my directory structure? If I place it inside the folder p1, compiler gives "file not found error" because it extends class1. But if I place it outside p1 folder, it compiles fine. But shouldn't I place a class in a folder named same as the package if there is a package statement specified? Could anyone clear my doubt. Thanks