Karim Nasser

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since Sep 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Karim Nasser

I am using ant in my development enviroment where I have 3 weblogic, one for development,one for integration testing and another one user testing. I have some remote clients , these clients read the initial context parameters from properties file.
I have only one ant script to build and deploy my application on the 3 servers, the point is that I want ANT to generate the proeprties files that contains the server parameters dynamicly while building.. is there an ANT task for creating properties files? otherwise I wil lkeep different versiosn of the file and just rename them according to which server I am deploying on
[ September 30, 2004: Message edited by: Karim Nasser ]
19 years ago
Hi ,
My application needs to store a business object as XML, no fancy processing is needed on the XML , just reading and writing the business objects on the files system for long storage, what is the best practice, I am new to XML worl in java, I can see alot of parsers and alot open source packages that can do the job (xerces,digester,dom,sax...), what is the best approach to do this
best regards
I would like to know how things are going with JSF, I have been reading news about the JSF in the last few years . but actually there is nothing solid yet.. no final releases ...no implemntation that I know? what is going on behind the scenes? if anyone can post a brief history of the JSF ? how did it start? approach changes? milestones? what to expect in the near future?
thank you
20 years ago
I hope some one can answer this question , as there is no much to read about JCA
my J2EE application needs to inetgerate with some C libraries, after some investigations , I found that calling native APIs direct from the EJBs might crash the EJB container when the JNI fails, as a better solution the JCA can be used as an intermediate layer, regarding the JCA-JNI communication I have 2 questions:
1- Is this setup EJB->JCA->JNI->C failsafe against the failure in the JNI->C part?
2- can the JNI wrapper be hosted on a remote server other than the application server or should I need to install the application server on the same machine as the C libraries
Chris, you didnt get my point, what I am talking about is the advantage of using Entiy beans over SP, when we talk about EJB we usually mention "Transactions" ,"security" and "Disributed preocessing".
"transactions" : can be achieved in SP with the same simplicity as container managed transactions ...so it is not a big advantage
"security" : J2EE only offers class based security which is not suitable for most enterprise applications
"distributed proccessing" : looks like the main advantage of using entity beans over stored procedure , but you can alos wrap the stored procedure in a Session bean and you get it.
The OO programmer inside me likes the EJBs but how can you convince a customer to pay for such "time consuming" & "exprience requiring= money" EJBs??
Kareem N.Elsayed
[ September 11, 2003: Message edited by: Kareem Nasser ]
unfortunately none of these links answered the question or even discussed it thoroughly!!
Hi I belive this issue had be raised several times, the use of EJBS has been questioned alot later, the question is when to use EJBs? and what are the benefits you get over using other solutions (stored procedures, JDBC ...), and what will ou lose if you if you went for other solutions?!!
I have been trying to deploy an application to ias6.5 using the iasdeploy command ,
the application works fine until I restart the application server, it gives the "GX" socket error which I guess means that the application is not properly deployed.. please help
20 years ago
I Apologise to you all , I didnt know the assigments are similar, my post was the same day I finished part-I, I am wondering is it reasonable that all the assigments are the same?
just want to know? does sun allow you to disclose you design?
I just passed part-I , and have to start part-II ASAP, can you please send me resources ? can you send the design you did too?
Thank You
Kareem Nasser