Rishi Upadhyay

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since Oct 05, 2000
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Recent posts by Rishi Upadhyay

I could create a jar file and deploy my session bean using Structure Builder and Deployment Builder.So I am fine for the time being,but I would still like to know what is wrong with ejbdeployer or my deployment,whichever is the case.I am posting the method signatures of remote,home and bean:



(edited to preserve formatting)
[This message has been edited by George Brown (edited October 27, 2000).]
23 years ago
I am getting the following exception when I try to create a jar file for a session bean.I have created around 10 entity bean jar files using ejbdeployer tool and everything worked fine.They were also deployed without any error.Now suddenly when I try to do the same thing for session bean it throws me this exception.I am confused!!
The 3 classes(remote+bean+home) for the session bean are located in package structure like com.sam.session.I use a helper class which is in com.sam.helper.
I am using weblogic 5.1(evaluation copy) and structurebuilder to develop the beans(both entity and session).
I would appreciate any help from this forum.I know somebody else has also posted similar question but there is no reply in it.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No suitable home found for bean com.sam.session.UserAdminSessionBean
at weblogic.ejb.ui.jarbuilder.EJBJarSpec.findBeanHome(EJBJarSpec.java, Compiled Code)
at weblogic.ejb.ui.jarbuilder.EJBJarSpec.completeBeans(EJBJarSpec.java, Compiled Code)
at weblogic.ejb.ui.jarbuilder.EJBJarSpec.loadFiles(EJBJarSpec.java:1565)
at weblogic.ejb.ui.deployer.ProviderProject.fileSetChanged(ProviderProject.java, Compiled Code)
at weblogic.ejb.ui.jarbuilder.EJBJarSpec.newFileList(EJBJarSpec.java, Compiled Code)
23 years ago
Thanks for the input Carl.Its working fine now and I can insert records in the database.
I have to insert a date in the database(oracle 8).I am using following peice of code:
if(info.getLastUpdatedTime() == null )
System.out.println("if:UPDTime in ejbcreate oucbean....");
pstmt.setDate(7,date);//date is defined as java.sql.Date
System.out.println("else:UPDTime in ejbcreate oucbean....");
The method getLastUpdatedTime() is defined to return a a java.util.Date.But I have to convert it to java.sql.Date before I issue an insert sql statement.
Can anybody give me a peice of code that converts java.util.Date to java.sql.Date.
(weblogic 5.1.0
oracle 8)
Thanks for the inputs.I did download the latest service pack ,but before that I reset my classpath and weblogic.class.path using wlconfig.exe command in weblogic/bin and it worked!!So I wont install the service pack.Thanks again
23 years ago
(I had to change my userid,looks like it doesnt follow the norms of the site)
My CLASSPATH is set as follows:
(everything is installed in d drive and development\work\classes in classpath is the package where i am working ie d:\development\work\classes\com\xxxx\....)

d:\weblogic\myserver\serverclasses weblogic.server;
I dont have any weblogic class path explicitly set.As far as I know only CLASSPATH settings would be enough to run applications.
Also I have created the jar files using the 'build' file that comes with weblogic examples.The deployertool was not working for some reason.I have an evaluation copy right now.
23 years ago