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since Nov 05, 2002
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Recent posts by krish

I need to put a javascript varible(which is dynamic) into jsp session.
Can any one help....
20 years ago
hay can any body give a simple Java class which have the JTA impplementation and access the records from database.By means of this protect the concurrent users and get optiomum isolation level.
Note lease post java prog only(not ejb)
Greatly yours,
Hay I have a doubt about a scenario,If any one could help me to solve this I will be thankful to them
I have web trasaction(a collectin of forms/pages).In that user have to enter data in several webpages.The data he enter should push into database at server.Here my question is how can push the data in a single instance or single hit.
Can we get the bundale of data at single instance after he submits in the last page of entire trasaction( I guess for every chage of page the data will send to server)
If there is scope of collecting the data at server how to aviod the data duplication (this may occurs once user comeback to the previous pages of submitte and submit data).
Please help me in regards of this
Regards, Harikrishna
In the J2EE specification clear description had given when to use Servlets,JSP and EJB.
This approach is called MVC(Model View Controller)
we should devide our application to MVC design,such as chop the entire application to presentaion layer ,web layer ,business layer and data layer.
Choose HTML/JSp presentaion layer,Servlets for web layer or tier,EJB for Business Layer(Session beans for action components(tipically performs business operations),entity beans to data components(tipically for database access pupose).By using this kind of apprach we can achive better coordination among layers and quick results
Hi all
I am doing a project of Health Care. Here in my project I am using weblogic 6.1 as server and I am accessing Surgeon and patient tables from database. In this scenario I want to show the details of a patient as report.This report includes Surgeon details and patient status. I want to achieve using CMP. I hope by using CMP I can get the records either Surgeon or patient. I want to get both table records at a time. Any body tell the approach?