Azamat Khalilov

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since Jan 15, 2003
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Recent posts by Azamat Khalilov

Originally posted by Joshua White:
I am trying to run my ant script within Intellij Idea. It complains that it could not create a "wlcompile" task. I am sure this means that intellij needs to know about this jar. Anyone know which it is?

I think this post belongs to IntelliJ/IDEA forum topic.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Rahul Mahindrakar:
This is a good guess
The problem could be that the Home is cached by one user and the access to the cached version is by another user then weblogic prevents this access.

Well - that's common case with home caching.
I found that security credential thing would work only within 1 query.
Other guy suggested me to look into JAAS.
Which requires us to upgrade to higher WebLogic version.
20 years ago
Well - in my case it was korn shell script running under tcsh.
So when I was closing last "tail -f logfile" it actually somehow was stopping appserver.
It could be memory issue in your case. Add some more memory using "-mx" or "-Xmx" option.

Originally posted by yogi naravane:
I am using weblogic6.1 on hp-ux platform.
while running the application the weblogic server
shutdowns without any warning or logs
is there any method to know the reason??
thnx in advance

20 years ago
Hi everyone
I'm trying to accomplish Home caching for secured EJB.
I'm setting principal and credentials.
When I turn off caching everything works.
But with caching WebLogic 6.1 sp4 always throws following exception:

Here is my code:

any ideas?
20 years ago
Hi All
Got WSAD 4.04+PVCS under Windows2000. After changing password thru PVCS webinterface I'm unable to login to repository from WSAD with new or even old password.
Webinterface logs me in just fine.
Tried to recreate WSAD workspace, removed PVCS .ser files, checked registry and ini-files. Nothing helped.
Any suggestions?
[ May 23, 2003: Message edited by: Azamat Khalilov ]
20 years ago
yes. but manually. WSAD automates creation of these little xml-files...
21 years ago
just migrated my VisualAge project into WSAD.
project happens to use JADE framework.
some nasty but persistent bugs with ClassCastException was happening until (as a last step) I decided to import JADE, Log4J and JUnit sources (java-files) into WSAD workspace.
Before I was using external jar-file with class-files exported from VisualAge.
The problem probably was with nested classes as VisualAge handles them in non-standard manner...
21 years ago
may be you are dealing with huge project or the bottleneck is PVCS. my WSAD works nice and fast.
21 years ago