leo blk

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since Feb 03, 2003
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Normally I will write a servlet that contains only methods and do include a jsp page to display. It's easy if you want to change the display you just need to change the jsp page without have to recompile and restart the server. This also make code much clean and organize.
20 years ago
here is the correct code

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse respone) throws ServletException,IOException
doGet(request, response);
20 years ago
try added the doPost

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse respone) throws ServletException,IOException
doGet(req, res);
20 years ago
I have not yet tried the war, but thanks for the pointer Chris.
20 years ago
Forgot one thing, the previous reply is for application class to get path. If you are coding the servlet you can always call
20 years ago
You may also wanna try out Class.getResource(""), this will not need any hardcode, but it's a bit tricky.
It will return all the locations that the class you are calling the getResource, all you need to know is where you put your config file and what is the return of the getResource from the class you passed and do some touch up.
Just code a simple jsp and do some testing to find out what exactly you need to do.
20 years ago