Lawrence Chettiar

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Recent posts by Lawrence Chettiar

Humm included use case I presume you mean prepare and pay i.e when u build pay sequence do you show the prepare use case as one of the components NO I thing the correct way to do is via story board and I put in the first comment box that the user comes to this sequence from so and so use case / scenario. why I did so coz in IMO only the components should be in the sequence diagram and not the use case some how does not feel right to me.

Since you can do anything in the story board why not use that .

Hope it helps
Not sure about how big my sequence diagram was but the way to reduce the size of sequence diagram is not to put all the components in it you can easily ignore the jsp,and other util objects.

My Pay iteneary was very big it was almost 2 screen fulls but could not avoid it, so you should be fine just see if there is something obvious you can omit without harming the flow of sequence diagram, by the way I scored full marks for sequence diagram so means I did not do anything wrong and just as a hint there were only 3 components from my web tier in the sequence diagram

[ June 22, 2004: Message edited by: Lawrence Chettiar ]
Your best bet is to look at the certification database site after you login, click on history/incidents it should show when they created and mailed your certificate pack, and then depending on where you live it could take about 2 to 6 weeks.

Congrats anyway for your certification.

19 years ago
Firstly to answer Joyce question I refered the Mark Cade book, the example assignment is good but I only used it as pointers as to how much detail to go in etc. Mostly I depend on my experience.

Secondly to answer Yifei Hong Question I have been in development from 8 yrs, and been into design and architect work for last 2 years, But there are lots of difference between real life project and this dummy assignment coz its not the full product its a subset of a full project. Anyway since I have been developing in J2EE from last 4 years and luckly some of my projects required me to use third party software/external system which helped in design of the assignment.

Now to answer whether you are in the right position to shoot for SCEA? I don't know as only you know how much you are capable of coz I know guys who are working as designer/architect but will not pass this exam, but also I know people who are just team leader / senior developer but have to potential to clear this exam easily.

Now the important question how which you might be interested in a comparision of SCEA with SCBCD / SCWCD. IMO this is what I think others may not agree with me.

SCEA : Good for design and architect people i.e. do you need to design or architect projects in your current work? Does your company wants only to develop in J2EE b'coz the whole exam is centred on it it will only help you become a Sun J2EE Architect and not a general architect, you will have to learn more stuff about other architecturs such as .NET etc. You will not gain any hands on (coding wise) after doing this exam, the SCEA part one books are very boring IMO. So to wind up if you are a developer and see that in near future you might be promoted to Architect and will do 0% coding then go for SCEA but if you will have to design and code as most of the developers in small company do then you might first do SCBCD/SCWCD and then just go thru the SCEA part one book and see if that what u what to do coz IMO the exam cost is too high.

SCBCD : Good if you are a developer it will give you a good indepth knowledge about J2EE and hence will be very helpfull in development and here you will learn design patterns not only how and when to use but also how to use coz in SCEA you will only learn when to use and not how to use.

SCWCD : Good if you intereseted in front end development me personaly not so interested in front end development I like EJB's but its own personal choice again this exam contains design patterns which are usefull for front end developments and yes you will learn how to use it and not only when to use.

Hope my points will help you all let me know if you need more info.

PS: I am planning to give SCBCD soon
19 years ago
Hi All,
Thanks I have quickly made a page with my experience info as few people requested the info will update it with more details ASAP see here My SCEA Part 2 Experience

19 years ago
Hi All,
Today I got my results for SCEA after long 5 weeks, here is my score

Date Taken: 2004-06-02 07:00:12.280
Registration Number:
Site: irc
Grade: P
Score: 93
Class Diagram (44 maximum) ............................... 37
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ........................... 44 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ............. 12

Humm I lost marks in Class Diagram don't know why may be bcoz I put too much detail any way I am very happy to get a good result best of luck to all you guys

19 years ago
I have also recently done 70-320 and studying for the SCDJWS and more then 50% of the content is same hence it should not be too hard for you and yes it will be very much benefitial the only thing would be I found that microsoft exams are not very
No 17.
Lawrence Chettiar
I passed too but could not see the percentage any body knows when can we know the percentage?
Well I have already given my Exam on 25thFeb but was just worried as to no new messages at all in the group?. Have everybody finished or no more new guys giving exam. In which case has SUN got their 400 students what if they don't get ???
Well Best of luck for the all who are sliently preparing for the exam.
Hi All,
Can anybody who have appeared for part 1 let me know if there are any questions which shows a design pattern UML diagram and we have find out which pattern is it, and if so the UML diagrams of patterns I found in books normally gives a hint of the pattern e.g Builder UML Diagram states something like ConcreateBuilder / BuilderIF, is it consistent with the exam questions???.
Hi All,
I have been in the SCJP group for few months and have cleared my SCJP exam yesterday. I have been working in EJB for more than 3 yrs.
I need info on which is the best book I saw old posts but all show more then one book. Is it necessary to buy more then 1 book, is there a book which will contain everything abt SCEA certification.
Marcus & Dan was the best.
One Important thing is there are lot of mock exams but whenever u answer wrong try to run the code and see if u are really wrong coz I find lots of answer in free mock exams were wrong.
Also don't make the same mistake as I did. Don't just rely on ur work experience(I have 4 yrs of experience by the way) and free mock exams, you need to learn some theory as well. So a good book would be helpfull.
20 years ago
Well I gave my 1.4 exam today got 86% but not happy with some of the questions. As I had not used any book for prepration only mock exams on net and free study guides. I regret now I should have bought kathy's book.
Well the point is there were about 7-8 theory questions which I didn't saw or read or was in any way close to any mock exams or study guides.

Also as discussed earlier here and replied by Kathy itself that there will be no questions with textbox to type the answers in but I got 2 questions like that.
Any way very much thanks everybody for all your help, your questions and your replies I learnt a lot from this group I would say I would have not got 86 whithout javaranch.
Thanks a lot to the everybody and specially to owner & moderators of javaranch.
20 years ago