Timothy Tsai

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since May 14, 2003
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Don't know if you realized that tech jobs in India and related regions are booming. Large corporations outsource projects to India to reduce cost, amongst them are Oracle, Microsoft, HP, etc..
Like many of you in this forum, I felt the pinch too since there are not enough openings in states.
20 years ago
EJB knowledge is essential in passing the 287. The ICE sample exam is very close to the real exam. If you do well on sample exam, you should not have problem in real one.
I have two years of J2EE/Weblogic development experience.
Prep time is 2 weeks.
[ October 08, 2003: Message edited by: Timothy Tsai ]
Passed 287 yesterday with 72%. Passed 484 few weeks ago with 62%.
Now officially an IBM Certified Enterprise Developer for Websphere 5.0
Thanks for all the help at the ranch!!
[ October 08, 2003: Message edited by: Timothy Tsai ]
Just took the exam. 70 Questions, passing socre is 60%.
what is the passing grade on this exam?
Where can I find more info in terms of number of questions on the exam, etc.