Prasu Chatta

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since May 21, 2003
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Recent posts by Prasu Chatta

So far no responses from any employer. I will be glad if anyone contacts me if they are looking for employees. I am even open to volunteer positions too in charlotte, NC.
[ June 09, 2003: Message edited by: Prasu Chatta ]
20 years ago
Hello Don Liu ,
My first choice will be Charlotte, NC . If I get better opportunity in other location I am willing to relocate..For volunteer job I can not relocate right!!
20 years ago
I am looking for a Java Developer position. Here are summary my skills..
I have nearly two years of experience in design and development of client-server and software applications. I have a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering. I am SCJP & SCJD. I have experience in java 2.0 and related technologies such as, Swing (JFC), WFC, J2EE, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, RMI, EJB, Visual Basic 6.0, Oracle 8i, HTML and Visual Source Safe. Good Exposure to C, JavaScript, Struts, XML, WebLogic 5.1, MS Access, DreamWeaver MX, ERwin.
Currently working as a volunteer programmer for opensource project. I want to work in a real/established company. I am willing to work as volunteer/intern/paid intern/full time/part time employee. Anything is fine with me.
I am looking for a right opportunity to prove myself. I am a quick learner and I am willing to relocate.
If anybody intrested please contact me at -
Thanks in advance,
[ May 21, 2003: Message edited by: Prasu Chatta ]
[ June 01, 2003: Message edited by: Prasu Chatta ]
20 years ago