vivek java

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since Jun 13, 2003
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Recent posts by vivek java

In My application I want to send attachements
along with plain message(just like yahoo).
But how do i protect folders(in appache-tomcat server) which will contain this attachements.what i mean user can type URL of this folder and see this attachements.I want only valid (logged in) user acess the attachement by clicking on a link on the web page how to do this.
some proposed to keep it away from webroot.
but dont no how to do this.and one more possibility use security constraint in deployment
descriptor.i tried this but it is not working
Please show me some way regarding this.
20 years ago
Thank you David O'Meara
This solved my problem
20 years ago
thank Calina Cazangiu
But where to find deployment descriptor
how to specify security constarint.
if security constraint is specified
how users can read their individual attachement
Basically i want to hide url of folder in all
my jsps so that user does not type directly type url in address bar see other users attachements
20 years ago
hi dixit i have question
In My application I want to send attachements
along with plain message(just like yahoo).
But how do i protect folders(in appache-tomcat server) which will contain this attachements.what i mean user can type URL of this folder and see this attachements.One more problem folders also will be dynamic that is each time user is added to my application folders will also be added for each user(which will contain his attachements).
Basically i want to hide folder url in jsp pages please give some advice
20 years ago
normally in database column width will always
6 times width you give in textfield maxlength
what i mean is if textfield length is 500
then in table column width is 500*6=3000
This is standard internalization procedure
20 years ago
In My application I want to send attachements
along with plain message(just like yahoo).
But how do i protect folders(in appache-tomcat server) which will contain this attachements.what i mean user can type URL of this folder and see this attachements.One more problem folders also will be dynamic that is each time user is added to my application folders will also be added for each user(which will contain his attachements).
please give some advice regarding this. :roll:
20 years ago