Nishant Sahay

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since Jul 29, 2003
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Originally posted by rohit mehta:
Hi all

A struts based site,

Problem is that after logout, if i click to "back" button from browser, i am on previous page & can do any operation successfully, as login.

Can anybody tell me how to handle it?


You can use the struts RequestProcessor class. As per struts architecture any request before reaching the action class passes through the RequestProcessor.
We can use RequestProcessor class by extending it with our custom class. IN the custom class we can do the login check and in case of failure dispatch the request to session expire jsp.

if( session != null && session.getAttribute("userName") != null)
return true;
//If no redirect user to login Page request.getRequestDispatcher ("/Login.jsp").forward(request,response); }catch(Exception ex){ } }

In the struts config we need to make the following entry

<controller> <set-property property="processorClass" value="com.sample.util.CustomRequestProcessor"/> </controller>
18 years ago
The batch Process gets started at server start up.
There are a total of three batch process running in application B, one in every 2 minutes, second in every 2 hours and the third in every 15 mins.Once the batch processes have run during the server start up we make the thread sleep for the scheduled time.
As of now we are still facing the problem of thread getting lost.
Any help would be really appreciated
We have two application A & B running in two different machine.
A interacts with B using Web Services.
Application B also have a couple of batch processes running in interval of 2 minutes.
We have put extensive debug statements in B application to trace any problems.
Sometimes while processing a request from A, the main thread in Application B gets lost and after waiting for a interval of 5 minutes Appln A throws " Read timed out" exception.
I feel this maybe becuase of some some thread leakage in the application server becuase of the number of batch processing taking place in Application B and there is Runtime uncatched exception going unnoticed.
Can anyone pls help me out in this? What could be reason behind this and any remedy.