Jean-Claude Rouvinez

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since Aug 26, 2003
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Recent posts by Jean-Claude Rouvinez


Does anyone know where I can find a free java implementation of the standard "ISO/IEC 80000-13:2008" (see ISO/IEC Binary Prefix)? java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit is a good example of such an implementation for the time units.

Does anyone know a free version of the document ISO/IEC 80000-13:2008 can be found?

Thanks a lot
14 years ago
I use Maven 2.
I downloaded it from this location: NetBeans: Maven2 Repository Location
This is the dependency I downloaded:

14 years ago
I can find neither good documentation nor Javadoc concerning the JavaCVS library of NetBeans (JavaCVS).
Does anybody use this library? Could you post some links pointing to example, documentation, Javadoc, ...?

Thank you in advance.
14 years ago
We are using Ejb3Unit, Java EE 5 and Hibernate.

Our entity beans are annotated with

When I run my tests, Ejb3Unit complains because the schema is not valid.

Where and how can I specify the schema to test my Entity Beans and Session Beans (in Memory Tests with in Memory Database)?
I didn't find any example.

Thank you for your help
14 years ago
Is Ejb3Unit still alive ?
- The release Ejb3Unit 2.0 is announced since 26.03.2008
- The release candidate Ejb3Unit 2.0-RC-1 is out since 17.05.2008
- The Feature Requests are not processed

Who knows what happens with this tool?
Has anyone abandoned Ejb3Unit for another tool? If yes, which tool?

Best Regards
15 years ago

I finally did it as follows:
For my EJB modules I have:


(bundle is used for the osgi client).

And then in the EAR I have:

and it works.
In application.xml I have:

But I still don't know if it is a clean solution.
15 years ago

I want to build an EAR file with modules. All EJB modules have been defined
as jar (<packaging>jar</packaging).
What is the best way:

Include those EJB modules in the EAR file using ><jarModule>


Change the packaging of all EJB modules to ejb (<packaging>ejb</packaging>)
and then include those EJB modules in the EAR file using <ejbModule>

What are the advantages or disadvantages of each solution?

Thank you for your Help!
15 years ago

ejb3unit doesn't work when the Interfaces (Remote or Local) and the implementation (Bean) are not in the same JAR.
More about it: ejb3unit at sourceforge
15 years ago

Jean-Claude Rouvinez wrote:Hi,

I have implemented a Session Bean (e.g. EmployeeServiceBean).
This Session Bean uses another Session Bean (e.g. ServiceBean).
EmployeeServiceBean references ServiceBean using the JEE Annotation @EJB (e.g. in EmployeeServiceBean: @EJB private Service service;)


Thank you for your help.

This sounds very interesting: Sourceforge / EJB3Unit Forum
15 years ago

I have implemented a Session Bean (e.g. EmployeeServiceBean).
This Session Bean uses another Session Bean (e.g. ServiceBean).
EmployeeServiceBean references ServiceBean using the JEE Annotation @EJB (e.g. in EmployeeServiceBean: @EJB private Service service;)

I test the beans with EJB3Unit using Mock Objecst (EmployeeServiceBeanTest extends MockedSessionBeanJUnit4Fixture<EmployeeServiceBean>).
My ServiceBean is mocked.

When the Bean implementations and the interfaces (Remote/Local) are in the same package, all works fine with EJB3Unit.
Whe the interfaces and the implementations are not in the same package my mockService complains that some expectations are not satisfied.

How do I set up EJB3Unit to make it find all interfaces and implementations when they are not in the same package?
Do I have to use a property file I didn't find any very useful documentation about it.

Thank you for your help.
15 years ago

Jean-Claude Rouvinez wrote:

deepak prasee wrote:[color=green]
My question is: How can I persist this Enum using the code?

I used this solution Posted by Sahoo (Oct 17, 2007 4:39 AM) on Java Net and it works fine.

deepak prasee wrote:
@Enumnerated(Enum.Ordinal)..but we are mapping the integer value to that integer field in database..

According to Effective Java Second Edition item 31, using ordinal is not recommended. So I implemented my Enum like this:

And the is stored in the database.
My question is: How can I persist this Enum using the code?

Best Regards

Jan Cumps wrote:sayTest() should be testSay().

According to there is still a problem with JUnit 4.5
and no answer has been posted under on

Who knows the official forum concerning JUnit4.5? There is not much activity under

Best Regards
15 years ago
I am interested in a certification in the Enterprise Architecture domain (not necessarily JEE).
Are there other -may be better- certifications than the SCEA certification?
What is the value of the SCEA certification among the industry?

Thank you for your answers.