M Bala

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since Oct 31, 2003
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In SCWCD Exam Study Kit Book by Hanumant Deshmukh et al,
Chapter 16.7 What's more: mentioned that "Tags are safe; beans are not. Beans like other separate utility classes, have to be made thread safe by the developer".
I'm kind of confused after reading this statement, how and where we need make this thread safe.
M Bala
What is the use of type attribute in <jsp:useBean>?
I understand that we specify bean class or superclass of bean class there. But what I'm wondering is practical usage.
Thanks in advance.
[ January 18, 2004: Message edited by: M Bala ]

Originally posted by Andres Gonzalez:
I've just received another email asking for my details (name, email, prometric center, etc). Have to wait though because I have no idea what my prometric center id is/was.
[ December 22, 2003: Message edited by: Andres Gonzalez ]

If you've already created user at 2test.com (https://www.register.prometric.com/Login.asp), then login and click update profile, you should see your prometric Testing ID over there.

Successful completion qualifies you to become a Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE 1.4, you must be a Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform (any edition). . Scheduled Worldwide January 19, 2003.

Also I guess there is another mistake that the date is January 19, 2004.
Is that means, once new exam is annouced, the old exam will NO longer exist to enroll?
Cleared my SCJP 1.4 with 86%.
1. I did two full revision with K&B book.
2. Third revision: Just going thro' 2 minutes drill
3. I didn't get good score in Dan test, so I didn't take every section.
4. http://www.javacertificate.com is good, free website. Itz worth taking once.
5. Real SCJP 1.4 was not that difficult, few questions were very tricky. I completed all the questions in ~ 80mins and went thro all the marked question.
6. At the end of the test, they're not telling straight, wheather you cleared or not. Instead they show section wise percentile.
7. Thanks everyone making these certification easy by providing this excellent website.
20 years ago
I was silent listener to this forum for the past few weeks, unfortunately all my questions are questioned by Cathy Song (Thanks Cathy). At last got an opportunity to post in this thread.
Interestingly unlike others I got to know about this web site from K&B book, I found this book in B&N shop and got some time to go through that, I liked a lot, and bought the book for (~ $52), in spite of some deals in the net for (~ $25) and already having two Java Certification books. I couldn't able to resist. I have read every word of the SCJP part in the book. I was kind of happy that I got a popular book.
Anyhow tomorrow is my judgment day, I want to take this exam very badly for a long time, my work never gave me a chance to take that. Finally I decided to spend some time on this and hopefully I'll be clearing this happily.
[ November 20, 2003: Message edited by: M Bala ]
As per JLS:
For all cases, ~x equals (-x)-1
[ November 20, 2003: Message edited by: M Bala ]