Mike Gerald

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since Jan 12, 2004
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Recent posts by Mike Gerald

Thanks Jeanne
20 years ago
Hi ,I'm a newbie to struts,As far as big firms are concerned they do not want to use struts because of maintenance problems,is it true,why do we go in for struts when there is plain old jsp to do the job?.
20 years ago
I am developing a new converter application using Swing,I need to use a progressbar to show the progress of converted files.How do i do it dynamically,ie as soon as a file gets converted the progressbar should update.Please Help
20 years ago
Can anybody please tell me when does the new version of SCWCD Exam comes into action?.I am planning to take that exam by this month end.

Please I need the cost for IBM Exams not Sun Exams.Billy The majority of people in india are in the I.T Field,and are quick thinkers.
Hi I need details about the cost involved in taking the websphere exams(486,484,287) in india.To whom should i send the money.Please Advice.
Each component has a model associated with it for eg,take the jtable it has a table model,it's the model component.The table acts as the view as well as the controller.
20 years ago
Thanks for the prompt reply David. :I decided to go for scwcd
I am a SCJP(1.4),I want advice on which certification to proceed next ,which is currently hot in the job market,please help.