Rajesh Patel

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since Feb 02, 2004
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Recent posts by Rajesh Patel

Where do I find jar file that contains
Currently our system is based on CORBA. We have servlets in the presentation layer and CORBA/Java objects in the business tier. DB2 in EIS tier. We are having tough time in maintaing them as the Servlets contain HTML code. And Business tier is tightly coupled with Business logic and data access. So, decided to revise our architecture. Here is our new proposed architecture.
1. Presentation Tier.
Use Struts Framework.
2. Business Tier.
Use POJOs & Hibernate.
WebSphere Application Server. (All containers collocated on a single machine/JVM).
My Questions:
1. Should we consider using EJBs instead of POJOs?
2. Should we introduce Session Bean facades to POJOs or let the presentation layer access POJOs directly?
3. Where do we implement Business logic? Session beans or POJOs?
4. How do we maintain User Session? Servlets or EJBs?
5. In future if we want to give access to remote clients, how do we do it?

Originally posted by Rufus BugleWeed:
How many concurrent user do you expect?
Is your business transaction intensive?
Do you foresee 2 phase commits?
What are your security requirements?
The name police are going to rebuke you "rancher"...

Users: 1000.
Transaction intensive: No
Two Phase Commit: No
Security: As secured as possible.
Currently our system is based on CORBA. We have servlets in the presentation layer and CORBA/Java objects in the business tier. DB2 in EIS tier. We are having tough time in maintaing them as the Servlets contain HTML code. And Business tier is tightly coupled with Business logic and data access. So, decided to revise our architecture. Here is our new proposed architecture.
1. Presentation Tier.
Use Struts Framework.
2. Business Tier.
Use POJOs & Hibernate.
WebSphere Application Server. (All containers collocated on a single machine/JVM).
My Questions:
1. Should we consider using EJBs instead of POJOs?
2. Should we introduce Session Bean facades to POJOs or let the presentation layer access POJOs directly?
3. Where do we implement Business logic? Session beans or POJOs?
4. How do we maintain User Session? Servlets or EJBs?
5. In future if we want to give access to remote clients, how do we do it?