Contra Kirby

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since Feb 08, 2004
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Recent posts by Contra Kirby

I don't mean to be annoying, but I was really hoping for a solution to my problem.
20 years ago
Well I did catch the exceptions, I just didn't feel like showing you guys the code. It involved some stupid trickery that I needed to do to see what printStackTrace() prints to the console (IE sucks), besides that code was working fine, I was only showing the problematic code.
ftp command does not work, however sftp does...I am once again at a loss of what I should do. I tried connecting to the url s but got a malformedURL exception. The api really doesnt go into depth as to what kind of urls it accepts...
[ February 27, 2004: Message edited by: Contra Kirby ]
20 years ago
Well finally I have a stack trace:

The code leading up to line 77 in SpriteBuilder.saveSprite():
(note that where name and pass are I have my real name and pass for this server)

I tried that ftp://username: but it didn't work. This server does have password protection and I don't even think it allows regular ftp, which is probably a problem. I tried http before but it doesn't let me create a file on the server. This is all very aggrivating and I thought I made it fairly clear what I want to do, but no one is giving me much to go on here. At any rate, once this works...

[ February 20, 2004: Message edited by: Contra Kirby ]
[ February 20, 2004: Message edited by: Contra Kirby ]
20 years ago
The error I got was "Connection refused: connect"
[ February 19, 2004: Message edited by: Contra Kirby ]
20 years ago
So I got some code, and it is stinking up the server it inhabits. The foul odor is ridiculous:
(some preemptive notes:
fname is a TextField
screen is a class I made and screen.getMap() returns Color [][]

This compiles just fine, but depending on what OS I use I get different runtime errors. Basically, I want to write some bytes to a file on a server from an applet. The file that I want to write will be given in the TextField. If someone can merely tell me how to write to a file, I can figure out what to put into the file just fine...thanks in advance?
20 years ago
What I want is for the applet to make a file on the server, not on the client...
20 years ago
I have been looking up on the internet for quite a while how to make a FileWriter object in an applet. I always do exactly as the code says and get a permissions exception. I don't really know what to do about all of this...I am working on a UNIX filesystem, and I have even tried setting the permissions for the directory my applet is in to 777. The following is the code I used:

Ach! What have I done wrong lassie, what have I done wrong.
20 years ago