John Mcrae

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since May 05, 2004
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Thats what I have so far:

I dont know how to save the first word in a separate place and the remainder of word in another. Can you help me here plz z
[ edited to preserve formatting using the [code] and [/code] UBB tags -ds ]
[ May 06, 2004: Message edited by: Dirk Schreckmann ]
19 years ago
Hi, I am new to Java programming language. And I need some help. I want to make a program, that will Capitalize the first letter of each word in input. For example if the input is, "now is the time to act" , the output should be "Now Is The Time To Act". That will be of great help.
Also if you can give me a code for a program that will replace a String with another string. For example there should be three inputs. First input should be a sentence. The second input should be a part from words in the first sentence. The third input should be a different word. For example, if the first input is, "I like playing basketball" and the second input is "basketball", and the third input is "soccer". The out put should be, "I like soccer". So it replaces the second input with the third.
Can anyone help me plzzzzzzzzz, send replies here, or to my e-mail: its urgent plzzzzzzzz
Thank you
19 years ago