tina Cardoso

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since May 13, 2004
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Recent posts by tina Cardoso

Does anyone knows how to create a Sub-Menu in JSP ?

My form is suppose to have a list of main topics. As soon as you click one of them you are presented with another menu with more detailed choices. Can any anyone help ? Help Please !!!

I am using jsp - Struts - Mysql ( in an MVC based project)

17 years ago
I have a JFrame (the size of the .java is 29.7KB and the .class file
is 1.70KB) it works fine both when called from the command prompt or websphere. Now I want to display it from Internet explorer. Iam using IE version 5.5. In order to be able to call it from IE5.5 I created an applet
and called the application object on it. When I use appletviewer the application run without problems, but when I double click the .html file to make run in Internet explorer it doesn't run at all. I have tried to do the same with a much smaller application ( 700 bytes) and it works fine.
Any soughts in why I have a problem display my application ?
19 years ago
I am a Bsc in computer Science ( 2002) and a SCJP 1.4 since last february.
My first contact with java as a student was in 1999 and since then I have never stopped reading and practising my skills. I have very broad java knowledge and now I am preparing for the SCWCD. For the last 6 years I have been working as an IT specialist for a local authority organization, but only in the last 8 months I have been used as a java programmer. Since then I created a distributed application with Swing, JDBC and Access, built a knwoledge base for officers of the local authority and IT people, and been looking after the intranet databases.
My problem is: I want a new job as a java developer/programmer but I can't quantify how much experience I have. Shall I count only the 8 months I have been working day in day out in java ? or should I include all this years as a student and the time I have spend studying for the SCJP exams ?
Please help.

19 years ago