Vojtech Patrny

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since Jun 27, 2004
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Recent posts by Vojtech Patrny

you can export those keys from kyr to jks using ikeyman. The one which comes with IBM HTTP server is capable of it. Good source of information is IBM redbook securing WAS 5.
18 years ago
If you are using WS 6 the url for administration console is fully.qualifiedhostname:9060/ibm/console

18 years ago
1. All jsp are stored under "WebContent" in the file hierarchy. Under the "WebContent", I created a folder called "img" in which all images used in the jsp pages are stored. When I write the link to refer to the images in the jsp pages, WSAD recognized /img/pic.jpg as broken link. Instead, it should /WebContent/img/pib.jpg. How should I configure the project so that the /img/pic.jpg is recognized as correct link?

Try to link the image as img/pic.jpg instead of /img/pic.jpg

2. There is an option to export the whole project as a EAR file. Suppose I am going to preserve the file hierarchy in other machine, says SUN Solaris, for some reasons and export the hierarchy as a EAR file using Ant build tool from Apache which requires a XML as the instruction to build the EAR file. Can I obtain the xml file from the WSAD that I will use in executing Ant building tool to create the EAR file?

Build system in WSAD (and eclipse) is proprietary and doesn`t generate ant bild files for you. But you can develop ant files within WSAD (eclipse).

3. Can WSAD integrate will ClearCase, a version controlling system similar to CVS?

Yes clearcase is supported. With WSAD you also get clearcase LT license.
19 years ago
Of course, there shouldn`t be problems.
19 years ago