Oren Mizrahi

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since Jun 30, 2004
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Recent posts by Oren Mizrahi

thanx marc,
Your suggestion really help me out. I aprecaite it!
19 years ago
My question here is pretty simple but i just want to know what the standard way of handling it is. I have a form on a jsp page, and i would like it to have 2 seperate buttons. One will be to "View" and the other will be "Update". Now depending on which button the user selects i would like it to submit to diffrent forms.

Any suggestions?
Does anyone know how to format how a multibux displays the checkboxes on the screen. It seems that depending on how i format the table tags inside the <logic:iterate> tags i can either get it all compacted together, a vertical arrangement, or horizontal. Is there a way to get it to display 2 or 3 per row?

Much appreciated.
19 years ago
thank you very much...worked great!
19 years ago
I am trying to get a property for one tag while using another tag ot get it. Heres an example of where i am using it which will amke it much more clear.

1. <logic:iterate id="myLoop" name="cmSearch" property="offshoreCMOptions">
2. <bean:write name="myLoop"/>
3. <html:checkbox name="cmSearch" property="<bean:write name="myLoop"/>"/>
4. </logic:iterate>

so im trying to get the same name that it is displaying in line 2, and use that name for the propert of the box.

Is this even possible? if not how do i get around it?

many thanks in advance
19 years ago
thanx cheng,
I figured out how sorta get around this. I basically end up using javascrpt also to change the contents. so i created the string that will go into a single array in the javascript. Then once i did that i just used the method of doing it from here: http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/pulldown.shtml

And instead of using the <select< tag i used the strutts <html:select> tag and it works basically the same way.
19 years ago
I am currently using the struts display tags to show a table on the screen. I have it working as of now, but i would like to have one column have a link with more that one parameter to it. Currently i have one column with only one parameter and it works great. I have it set up like this:

<display:column property="projectName" title="Project Name" href="ProjectProfileMgrServlet" paramId="VIEW" paramProperty="projectCode"/>

Does anyone know how to get something like this but so that the link has more than one parameters?

Thanks in advance.
19 years ago
hey guys,
Thank you very much for your help. i appreciate it. what u guys said worked great!
19 years ago
thanks jay

but i dont really understand that answer. I cant add "name" to the <html:form> tag. so are u saying i use the property vale of the object im looking to manipulate?
19 years ago
How do i access a field when im using the struts tags from a javascript?

EX: <html:form action="/processCmSearch.do">
<html:select name="cmSearch" property="country">
<html ptionsCollection name="cmSearch" property="countryChoices" />

So now, if I have a javascript thats supposed to modify this field when the user changes an option (using onChange=".."), how would I access this country field from the javascript?

(...using standard html the form would have a name but without that I have no clue how to access the form, yet alone the field itself...)
19 years ago
I am new to this whole struts thing, but I require help in creating a Pulldown menu who's options are dependent on what the user chooses in the first pulldown. This has to be done using struts but I have'nt been able to find much help on this.

Any idea's?

19 years ago